Sunday 7 April 2013

Animation is a Business Marketing Tool

So why animate?

Every business has a story to tell and some business stories are easier to tell than others.

Businesses such as manufacturers or suppliers of physical goods or services are generally “visually rich” in what they do and so have the happy opportunity to simply show prospective customers how or where they provide these goods to help explain what they do or how they add value for their customers. For example, the building of a house will provide multiple opportunities for every trade or profession concerned in the build to show and describe something of what they do, their contribution, using video. 

Many modern businesses are however not so fortunate. 

Those that deliver a product or service that is predominately the outcome of an intellectual or professional process find that their only immediate visual resource is the people within the business or their place of work. They struggle to describe what they do or the contribution they make because they deliver something that has no obvious or tangible physicality. 

So here is a teaser. Describe Carbon Off-Setting or Capital Gains Tax as a series of photographs.

The real power behind video is the use of visual content in support of and in synergy with an audio description being delivered simultaneously. It is the combination of the two that makes this communication media five times more memorable than using images and text alone.

The beauty and core strength behind animation is that anything that can be imagined can be drawn. It is therefore the only marketing tool available that allows one to communicate both complex intellectually theory or processes in a way that allows for a visual representation to be shown in support of an audio recording.

What animation styles work best?

Video or animated content produced for delivery via the web is quite different to that produced for a set presentation delivered to a captive audience. 

Video content consumed on the internet is done with the permission of the viewer. When they “opt in” to view your content they do so knowing that they can “opt out” at any time should what they see or hear not be to their liking. 

Unlike an auditorium or presentation to the room your online audience will be hyper critical and vote with a click elsewhere. You therefore need to play by some very simple rules if you want an enquirer to finish the course and watch your video all the way to the call to action.

A well constructed PowerPoint, Prezi or Camtasia presentation recorded in time to a supporting audio track is an animation. The power behind any animation is in the strength of the story, the relevancy and memorability of the images used and the clarity of the message being delivered but the principal rule for most online video or animated content is to keep it short.

If necessary, break long complex explanations down into chapters or even paragraphs and deliver these as individual videos to improve viewer engagement and reduce your click off rate.

Any presentation style or technique that holds the viewer's attention, delivers your message and tells your story in a memorable way will be suitable. The decision as to which style you use is more likely to be based on your market, the complexity of your message and your budget.

What do we do?

We use hand drawn animated videos, often called “Whiteboard” or Scribble” animations, to tell complex business stories in an engaging and informative way. We use VideoScribe from Sparkol to create these cost effectively using custom line drawings / illustrations produced to suit each brief.

We also use motion graphics, photographs or short video clips within these if it helps clarify or reinforce the core message we have been asked to deliver.

A well constructed hand drawn animation is incredibly powerful and difficult not to watch to the end. 

There is a direct connection between the curiosity that encouraged a viewer to “opt in” to watch an animation and the same curiosity that keeps them watching right to the end when the final frame is revealed.

The goal of every business should be to create video or animated video content that tells their story in a way that keeps every visitor engaged to the end, is memorable and evokes a response from the viewer.